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Frequently asked questions about POCS

Frequently asked questions about POCS

PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a widespread health issue wherein the ovaries in a woman start producing an abnormal amount of androgens – the male sex hormones. If you’ve been affected too, here are the most frequently asked questions about POCS that you need to know.

Reproductive health questions to ask your GP

Things you need to ask about reproductive health to your GP

Reproductive health is the complete state of physical and mental wellness. So, you’re not just capable of conceiving without any issues but have the freedom to decide when and how. Here are the top things you need to ask about reproductive health to your GP

10 reasons why you should go for a blood test regularly

A clinician testing a blood sample, 10 reasons why you should go for a blood test regularly

From treating illness to diagnosing disease, a blood test gives your doctor the perfect opportunity to peer through the physiological and pathological state of your health. It can tell about your organs, their functions, diet, metabolism, and hundreds of other things. Here are 10 reasons why you should go for a blood test regularly.

What is inflammation and why it can be dangerous?

A man showing points of inflammation site in the body

Inflammation is the body’s natural reaction to an injury or infection. But there is an insidious side of it, called chronic inflammation that can cause a myriad of health issues including cancer, heart attack and diabetes.

8 Things to Know About Crohn’s Disease

8 Things to know about Crohn's disease, Crohn's disease awareness month

Crohn’s disease is a long-term Inflammatory Bowel Disease and is often characterised by severe abdominal pain, weight loss, sometimes malnutrition. Here is a list of 8 things to know about Crohn’s Disease.

It’s the Heart Health Week 2021

Heart Health Week 2021, GPs on Curzon, Health health Check Toowoomba

It’s Heart Health Week! Author: Di Mears, Registered Nurse with GPs on Curzon Cardiovascular Disease accounts for more than one in four deaths, and thousands of hospitalisations in Australia each year yet is largely preventable.  During the midst of the Covid Pandemic, many medical services were disrupted while we were unable to move around freely, and … Read more